local government policy

Social media in the social services

The web has revolutionised the way the world uses and shares information yet, despite the growing awareness of the value of social networking and social media, people working in the public sector frequently report that access to web-based services is blocked or that their web browser lacks the required functionality to interact with web-based media. This report builds on existing evidence to argue the case for breaking down the cultural and technology barriers that inhibit the use of social media for managing and sharing knowledge in the workplace.

Freedom of information survey of local authority policies on family and friends care

In 2007 Family Rights Group sent a questionnaire to all local authorities in England and Wales, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 specifically about family and friends care.

It asked each authority to provide its policies for working with, assessing and supporting family and friends carers and the children they are raising, information on dedicated staffing and data on the numbers of children and carers assisted by legal order and budget spent (see Appendix A for the Freedom of Information questions sent to all local authorities in England and Wales).

Futureskills Scotland: product market strategies and workforce skills - full report

The aims of this project were to use case studies of companies, to obtain a better understanding of the links between employers’ product markets strategies and the demand for skills. It sought to identify the conditions and constraints in which firms’ product market strategies affect skills utilisation, and explore the potential implications for public policy.

The audit of best value and community planning South Ayrshire council

Report that reflects the picture available at the time the main audit work was conducted between August and October 2008. The Commission is concerned to note the position at South Ayrshire as set out in the Controller of Audit’s report.

The council has made limited progress towards delivering best value and faces severe financial pressures which pose significant risks and which will make it more challenging for the council to make the improvements needed.

The audit of best value and community planning: Aberdeen city council progress report

When the Accounts Commission published its findings on the Best Value audit on Aberdeen City Council in May 2008 following a public hearing, it requested a further report from the Controller of Audit in 12 months’ time. In this progress report, the Commission is encouraged by the prompt and decisive action taken by the council, and taking into account the timescale, commends the council on its progress across a range of activity.

Managing resources in later life

This report explores the changing lives of older people and shows how resources are used to manage change and maintain stability. An ageing population continues to be of policy concern, in relation to meeting the needs of older people now, and for future welfare provision. This research explores how older people plan, use and value the different resources available to them. Resources are broadly defined, to explore the relative value of different structural, social and individual resources and how they interlink.