Child Support Agency

Retelling the past using new technologies: a case Study into the digitization of social work heritage material and the creation of a virtual exhibition

Article explains the rationale for the digitization of social work heritage material and the virtualization of an archived nondigital museum exhibit constructed by a Scottish Museum of Social Work.

The project involved the “virtualization” of an existing social work museum exhibition on the migration of “Home Children” from Scotland to Canada in the late 19th and early 20th century and the digital preservation of historical assets (both text and images) held by the contemporary social care organization involved in the migration of the children.

Relationship separation and child support study

The report uses data collected on the separated adults to examine the circumstances of people who have a child maintenance interest, including parents with care (PWCs), non resident parents (NRPs) and those who do and do not use the Child Support Agency. This work was commissioned by DWP to inform the Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill and the future planning and organisation of C-MEC.