
Children's hearing system: secondary teaching pack

These materials are intended to support teachers and pupils through their learning about the Children’s Hearings system. In preparing these, the aim has been to provide materials for use in the classroom within the PSE, Citizenship and Modern Studies curricula which will provide accurate information about the Hearings system and help pupils to gain a better understanding of the key issues.

English Grammar Connection

This website provides interactive online lessons to help improve students' English grammar skills. Students receive constructive feedback throughout the exercises, and get a detailed end-of-round summary report after several questions have been completed. The report gives teachers and students a quick assessment of key grammar concepts. It serves as a foundation for future improvement using the activities on this web site or other methods of instruction.

Improving the outcomes for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils: literature review

The literature review sought to identify relevant findings, evidence and discussion in the literature on GRT pupils and their parents, from 1997 onwards. The review draws on UK material with the inclusion of selected European sources. The findings of the review are summarised according to key themes, including: attitudes; expectations; aspirations; relationships; parental involvement; attendance and mobility; behaviour; achievement.

A cycle of disadvantage? : financial exclusion in childhood : implications for consumer education of research carried out by the Centre for Research in Social Policy, Loughborough University (Consumer research 4)

Report examining the experiences of and attitudes to money which children from financially excluded families bring to school and how these relate to personal finance education in schools.