educational performance

Educational attainment of looked after children (SPICe Briefing 11/79)

Briefing produced to support an inquiry by the Education and Culture Committee into the educational attainment of looked after children.

Despite ten years of policy effort to improve the educational attainment of looked after children, national statistics show that attainment and school attendance is still much lower and exclusions much higher than the average for all pupils.

The influence of parents, places and poverty on educational attitudes and aspirations

Report that aims to better understand the relationship between young people’s aspirations and how they are formed.

It examines the nature of aspirations; explores how parental circumstances and attitudes, school, and opportunity structures come together to shape aspirations in deprived urban areas; and argues that the approach to intervention should be reconsidered.

Educational outcomes for Scotland's looked after children, 2009/10

Publication that contains statistics obtained from linking, for the first time, looked after children‟s data provided by local authority social work services departments with educational data provided by publicly funded schools, the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and Skills Development Scotland (SDS).

It presents key findings on a range of educational outcome statistics for children or young people who have been looked after continuously during the 12-month period, in different types of care placements, and for pupils with multiple placements within the school year.

Improving educational outcomes for looked-after children and young people

Review that tells us what works in improving educational outcomes for looked-after children and young people (LACYP), on the basis of a systematic review of the research literature and analysis of key data. It aims to provide evidence that will help service providers to improve services and, ultimately, outcomes for children, young people and their families.

Teenage pregnancy next steps : guidance for local authorities and primary care trusts on effective delivery of local strategies

UK Government document reviewing the lessons which have been learned since the Government's Teenage Pregnancy Strategy began in 1999 and setting out the actions which will help local authorities and primary care trusts to achieve a 50% conception rate reduction target.

Improving the outcomes for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils: literature review

The literature review sought to identify relevant findings, evidence and discussion in the literature on GRT pupils and their parents, from 1997 onwards. The review draws on UK material with the inclusion of selected European sources. The findings of the review are summarised according to key themes, including: attitudes; expectations; aspirations; relationships; parental involvement; attendance and mobility; behaviour; achievement.

Parent power

Report surveying the state of the school education system in Scotland and advocating greater power for parents and autonomy for schools as a means of improving standards in school education.

Early years, life chances and equality: a literature review

Reviews recent literature on how early years experiences may impact on life chances for different groups of the population. Life chances can cover a range of opportunities that people can experience as they become adults and into their later life. These opportunities include, for example, the likelihood of being in employment over individuals’ lifetimes, the chances of obtaining educational qualifications and the chances of good physical and mental health.