
The law and social work in Scotland (OU podcasts)

This album tackles the complex relationships social workers experience in the wide spectrum of their work, from those with families affected by social deprivation to those with judges, lawyers and other members of the legal system. The tracks analyse the role of the family in Scottish life in relation to the many voluntary bodies that exist to assist and inform them, and the legal obligations of social workers. Participants from single mothers to solicitors presented their perspectives in a series of frank, informative interviews.

The Children's Hearings (Legal Representation) (Scotland) Rules 2002

These Rules permit legal representatives to attend Children's Hearings in certain circumstances. They also specify when the Children's Hearing may consider the appointment of a legal representative, and the circumstances in which an appointment may be made.

They authorise the Principal Reporter to make copies of the relevant documentation available to legal representatives and also specifies groups of persons from whom a legal representative may be appointed.

Review of the Children's Legal Representation Grant Scheme (Research findings no.48/2009)

Summary of the main findings of research which looked at the Legal Representation Grant Scheme, a scheme which permits children's hearings to appoint legally qualified individuals to represent children when this is required. The purpose was to review the operation of the scheme and inform its future development.