
Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance newsletter December 2004

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA) promotes, supports and defends the principles and practice of independent advocacy across Scotland. This newsletter provides an update on the progress of the SIAA and includes details of their 'Training for Trainers' session, information about elder abuse, Freedom of Information Act (Scotland) 2002, some health and safety issues and details of useful organisations.

Children's hearing system: secondary teaching pack

These materials are intended to support teachers and pupils through their learning about the Children’s Hearings system. In preparing these, the aim has been to provide materials for use in the classroom within the PSE, Citizenship and Modern Studies curricula which will provide accurate information about the Hearings system and help pupils to gain a better understanding of the key issues.

The Scottish Human Rights Commission

This document sets out the Scottish Executive’s detailed proposals for a Scottish Human Rights Commission. The Scottish Executive believes that this new body will be a key means to ensure that human rights are protected in Scotland and will also help to develop a ‘culture’ of human rights. By promoting human rights, the Commission will work to ensure that you are more aware of your rights in the future and that you understand how they apply to you and to your family. This consultation paper focuses on the remit, functions and structure of the Commission.

Mind guide to advocacy

Mind is a leading mental health charity in England and Wales and has produced information on many areas of mental health. This factsheet defines advocacy and discusses the different kinds of advocacy, who advocacy is for and the situations where it could be applied. Also included is a list of useful organisations and further reading.

Tackling Drug Markets and Distribution Networks in the UK : A review of the recent literature

This summary sets out the main findings from a review of the recent literature on strategies to tackle illicit drug markets and distribution networks in the UK. The report was commissioned by the UK Drug Policy Commission and has been prepared by the Institute for Criminal Policy Research, School of Law, King’s College London. This review restricted itself to domestic measures for tackling the drugs trade.