sexual abuse

Consultation on the proposal to develop an acknowledgement and accountability approach for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse

Consultation developed with the National Reference Group, set up to implement the recommendations of Survivor Scotland.

This paper was designed to draw on the views and experiences of survivors particularly and it was acknowledged from the start that more innovative methods were needed to ensure that this happened. A number of events were held with survivors and survivor organisations to raise their awareness of the consultation and engage them in discussions.

Group and individual interviews were also carried out with survivors, facilitated by survivor organisations.

Child abuse and neglect

Every child has the right to grow up in a caring and safe environment. Fortunately most children and young people do. However, some children are not loved by their families. Others live in families that are having a really difficult time and cannot cope with their problems. Some children are deliberately neglected or hurt by the adults around them.

Women’s voices — experiences and perceptions of women facing drug problems

Epidemiological studies routinely collect quantitative data on gender differences in drug use (e.g. prevalence, mortality), but far less is published on the qualitative aspects of female drug problems. This review presents quotations gleaned from interviews with women in eight countries. Through these testimonies, the report illustrates how qualitative research can provide glimpses into the experiences and perceptions of women facing drug issues that statistics alone cannot provide.

London guidelines for assessing children and families affected by adults viewing child sexual abuse images on the internet

Produced on behalf of the London Safeguarding Children Board and in conjunction with the Essex Safeguarding Children Board, the aim of this document is to provide practice guidance to support practitioners working with children and families affected by adults viewing child sexual abuse images – particularly via the Internet; to identify key principles to help inform assessments; to consider some of the practice implications; and to provide an overview of current messages from research and underpinning knowledge.

Domestic abuse

What is domestic abuse. Domestic violence can happen in any family and in all kinds of homes. In half of the cases of violence between adults, children get hurt too. Even when children do not see the violence happening, they often hear it. Children are often in the same or next room when the violence is going on. This can be extremely distressing and disturbing for them.

Behind closed doors : preventing sexual abuse against adults with a learning disability

Report presenting evidence and case studies which highlight the type and extent of sexual abuse experienced by adults with a learning disability and how they are often poorly served by the legal system in England. The report argues for new legislation to provide better protection from abuse and ensure abusers are successfully prosecuted and sentenced.

2008-09 Scottish Crime and Justice Survey: sexual victimisation and stalking

The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey (SCJS) is a large-scale continuous survey measuring peoples’ experience and perceptions of crime in Scotland. The survey is based on, annually, 16,000 in-home face-to-face interviews with adults (aged 16 or over) living in private households in Scotland.

The results for 2008-09 are presented in a series of reports including this one which provides information on stalking and sexual victimisation.