child neglect

Protection of children in England: a progress report

The Protection of Children in England: A Progress Report, by Lord Laming, was published in March 2009 as HC 330. It was commissioned by the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families following the death of "Baby P". "This document, and its recommendations, are aimed at making sure that good practice becomes standard practice in every service. This includes recommendations on improving the inspection of safeguarding services and the quality of Serious Case Reviews as well as recommendations on improving the help and support children receive when they are at risk of harm.

Noticing and Helping the Neglected Child - Literature Review

This study is one of a series of projects, jointly commissioned by the DCSF and the Department of Health, to improve the evidence base on recognition, effective intervention and inter-agency working in child abuse and focuses on recognition of neglect. This literature review aimed to provide a synthesis of the existing empirical evidence about the ways in which children and families signal their need for help, how those signals are recognised and responded to and whether response could be swifter.

Getting it right for every child: draft Children's Services (Scotland) Bill consultation

Scottish Executive consultation on a draft Bill intended to support the implementation of Getting it right for every child, the reform programme for children's services.

The bill would place duties on agencies to promote the well-being of children and to work together. Also included in the bill are measures to ensure that the views of children are taken into account. Grounds for referral to the Children's Hearings system would also change if the bill were passed as legislation.

Policy and practice guidelines for working with children and families affected by problem drug use : getting our priorities right

The first part of the guidance sets out what is currently known about the extent of parental problem drug use and the impact on children. The second tackles the complex area of confidentiality and offers advice to agencies about when, and how, to share information. Part 3 outlines what agencies need to ask of families when they present with drug problems.

It's everyone's job to make sure I'm alright : literature review

The aim of this review was to provide an overview of the ideas and research evidence on child abuse and child protection in order to inform the work of the child protection review team. It is predominantly a review of UK research evidence. In some areas, however, UK evidence was found to be lacking and reference has been made to research from the US, Australia and elsewhere.

Neglected adolescents: literature review

This literature review is one of a series of projects jointly commissioned by DCSF and DH to improve the evidence base on recognition, effective intervention and inter-agency working in child abuse and explores the concept of ‘neglect’ as it applies to adolescents.

The review draws together information from research in other countries on this topic, and also considers a range of other relevant UK and international literature. It considers the practice, policy and research implications of the literature, and has also informed other products of this project.

Parental drug misuse : a review of impact and intervention studies

This review examines the available research about both the impact of problem drug use and interventions designed to reduce that impact. It starts by looking at definitions, the extent of problem drug use, and its impact across important aspects of children’s lives. The review is intended for social care workers involved with adults – using or affected by drugs – and their children and young relatives.

Good practice guidance for working with children and families affected by substance misuse: getting our priorities right

Not all families affected by substance misuse will experience difficulties. However, parental substance misuse may have significant and damaging consequences for children. These children are entitled to help, support and protection, within their own families wherever possible. Sometimes they will need agencies to take prompt action to secure their safety. Parents too will need strong support to tackle and overcome their problems and promote their children’s full potential.

Protecting children: a shared responsibility - guidance for health professionals in Scotland (September 1999)

This document specifically aims to provide user-friendly information for all health professionals in Scotland. It will be valuable to those who may very rarely come into contact with an abused child or children and their families. It is also an important source of advice for staff who have had more experience in this area and highlights the need for child protection training to be made available for all staff.

Protecting children: a shared responsibility - guidance on inter-agency co-operation

This guidance sets out how agencies and professionals should work together to protect children from abuse and neglect, and to safeguard and promote their welfare. It identifies the roles and tasks of different professionals and agencies involved in tackling child abuse and neglect, and it outlines the role of local Child Protection Committees.