child abuse

Child Protection Inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death of Kennedy McFarlane

Following the tragic death of three year old Kennedy McFarlane on the 17th of May 2000, Dumfries and Galloway Child Protection Committee (CPC) commissioned an immediate inquiry into the circumstances which led up to her fatal injury. The object of this inquiry is not to apportion blame but to learn lessons which will help to protect children from abuse and neglect in the future. Also known as The Hammond Report.

Paedophiles (Radio 4 series: Woman's Hour)

This episode of Radio 4's Woman's Hour series asks if a community can recover when a known abuser returns to live there and if a small community can help in the rehabilitation of a sex offender. What benefits does the community gain? A mother whose daughter was sexually abused by a local man is concerned how his return to their community will affect her family's lives. Jenni Murray talks to child psychotherapist Anne Bannister to discuss how a community can heal itself when a known paedophile lives within it.

It's everyone's job to make sure I'm alright: report of the child protection audit and review

Review to promote the reduction of abuse or neglect of children, and to improve the services for children who experience abuse or neglect. It pays particular attention to the needs of the small number of children whose family or environmental circumstances are so poor that their future wellbeing is placed at serious risk.

Child abuse and neglect

Every child has the right to grow up in a caring and safe environment. Fortunately most children and young people do. However, some children are not loved by their families. Others live in families that are having a really difficult time and cannot cope with their problems. Some children are deliberately neglected or hurt by the adults around them.

Modern childhood: the image of the child in our society - the seventh Kilbrandon lecture

This resource is the seventh in a series of lectures designed to honour the memory and achievement of Lord Kilbrandon who wrote one of the most influential policy statements on how a society should deal with 'children in trouble'. This lecture examines modern childhood and the image of the child in society.