
National domestic violence delivery plan: annual progress report 2008-09

The Home Office presents an annual report about domestic violence, where statistics show that a big number of the victims have been victimised three or more times.

However a raising awareness about this type of violence within a range of practitioners and the increase of appropriate training and tools are becoming the keys to an early identification and intervention.

Risk assessment and management of serious violent and sexual offenders: a review of current issues

This report reviews the literature relating to the assessment and management of sex offenders and serious violent offenders, and therefore requiring special measures.

It is aimed at those in the criminal justice, social work and other agencies who play an active part in risk assessment and risk management.

The report covers four broad areas: the background policy, legislative proposals and provisions covering sexual and violent offenders; risk assessment methods; the current tools available in this area for these offender groups; and risk management.

Achieving best evidence in criminal proceedings: guidance for vulnerable or intimidated witnesses, including children - Volume 2

The government is committed to improving the protection during the criminal justice process for vulnerable or intimidated witnesses, including children. This document is issued as part of ‘Action for Justice’, the implementation programme for the ‘Speaking Up for Justice’ report. Following the report, the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 set out a range of special measures to assist vulnerable or intimidated witnesses, including children to give their best evidence in criminal proceedings.