briefing paper

Teenage pregnancy

Briefing that provides an overview of information on teenage pregnancy. It has been written to inform the Health and Sport Committee's Inquiry on this theme. It offers data on national level trends in Scotland and reflects on research evidence about the problems associated with early pregnancy.

All babies count: spotlight on drugs and alcohol

First in a series of Spotlight papers which build on the findings of the NSPCC report - All Babies Count: Prevention and protection for vulnerable babies - which highlighted the pressing need for effective interventions for parents and their babies.

The papers focus on the specific developmental importance of pregnancy and babyhood, shining a light on a particular issue for families, policy and practice, in this case parental misuse of drugs and alcohol.

Welfare in working order: points and principles for the Scottish debate - Part 1: Welfare 'reform' and mitigation in Scotland

Paper that is the first instalment of a three-part series on welfare. It examines the impacts of the UK Government’s welfare cuts and reforms. Subsequent papers will look at how Scotland uses existing powers better to improve prospects for learning and work, as well as exploring the potential for additional powers and the principles which should underline a progressive approach to welfare.

Returning children home from public care

The briefing aims to give people who provide and use social care services an overview of research evidence by describing what it tells us about:

• how social workers make decisions about whether or not to return looked-after children to their birth parent/s
• effective approaches to deciding which children are likely to benefit from return home, and to helping parents and children when they do
• predictors of stability and positive wellbeing following return home.

Health, wellbeing, and the older people housing agenda

One of three papers which explores the practicalities of deliveringhousing for older people and maximising the benefits to health andwellbeing.

It uses as a starting point the guidance provided in the ADASS/Housing Learning and Improvement Network's Strategic Housing for Older People resource pack, Planning, designing and delivering housing that older people want and, more recently, work the Housing. LIN is involved in with the NHS Commissioning Board to develop a health and housing compact that supports closer integrated approaches with housing to support patient care.

The business case for social work with adults: a discussion paper

The care and support White Paper, Caring for our future, says: "Social workers have a crucial role to play in the reformed care and support system". The College of Social Work agrees, but believes that in a climate of austerity social work must be able to show not just that it makes a unique contribution to the lives of service users but that it makes financial sense too.

This discussion paper indicates where social workers fit into modern models of care and sketches the outlines of an argument that the cost-benefit analysis comes out in their favour.