
Home not Housing. Engaging with wellbeing outcomes

Home not Housing was one of five Scottish Universities Insight Institute programmes on Wellbeing.

A set of ideas workshops explored the concept of ‘home’ from the perspectives of various academic disciplines – housing, planning, social work, healthcare – in order to develop a common vocabulary that will better inform policies relating to house-building, home-working, home-care and general place liveability.

This blog records the discussions and findings of the workshops.

National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes - A framework for improving the planning and delivery of integrated health and social care services

"Health and social care services should focus on the needs of the individual to promote their health and wellbeing, and in particular, to enable people to live healthier lives in their community. Key to this is that people’s experience of health and social care services and their impact is positive; that they are able to shape the care and support that they receive; and that people using services, whether health or social care, can expect a quality service regardless of where they live."

Early and effective intervention for children and young people who offend : information sharing to promote wellbeing : fact sheet 12

This fact sheet 12 was published by the Youth Justice National Development Team at the Criminal Justice Social Work Development Centre (CJSW). It concerns the early and effective intervention for children and young people who offend.

New approaches to supporting carers’ health and well-being: Evidence from the National Carers’ Strategy Demonstrator Sites programme

The National Carers’ Strategy Demonstrator Sites programme was developed by the Department of Health as part of the commitments made in the July 2008 National Carers’ Strategy Carers at the Heart of 21st Century Families and Communities. These commitments included new measures to improve carers’ health and well-being and were incorporated into DH financial plans in 2008-9.This report explores the extent to which the DS were able to meet their objectives and draws out learning from their experiences of delivering services to carers in new ways.