
Principles of Good Transitions 3 - Scottish Transitions Forum

Document that has been developed with the aim of informing policy and to fundamentally change the way things are done in Scotland in the area of youth transitions, from the top down and the bottom up.

Young people and their carers need help to achieve positive outcomes through greater personalisation, independence, choice and control of the transitions process.

Early childhood transitions research: a review of concepts, theory and practice

Paper that reviews the major perspectives in research on early childhood transitions. Assessing concepts in developmental theory that preceded transitions research, as well as more recent approaches including systems theories and the role of children as active participants in transitions, the paper reveals the predominant areas of focus in both academic and professional studies.

Educational attainment of looked after children (SPICe Briefing 11/79)

Briefing produced to support an inquiry by the Education and Culture Committee into the educational attainment of looked after children.

Despite ten years of policy effort to improve the educational attainment of looked after children, national statistics show that attainment and school attendance is still much lower and exclusions much higher than the average for all pupils.