Shaping Our Lives: resources
A list of resources collated by Shaping Our Lives - a National network of service users and disabled people.
A list of resources collated by Shaping Our Lives - a National network of service users and disabled people.
Findings of a study based on a request for information made to 152 English local authorities, one English Primary Care Trust and one English Clinical Commissioning Group under the Freedom of Information Act; a nationally representative
ComRes poll of 2025 British adults, including 456 adults with a disability or health condition; and a number of qualitative interviews and brief surveys undertaken with care workers, disabled and older people in receipt of 15-minute care visits, and family members of those in receipt of 15-minute care visits.
Full Royal College of Physicians response to the Francis Inquiry report.
This study examines the experiences of older people with high support needs involved in support based on mutuality and reciprocity. It shares the benefits and outcomes achieved for individuals, families, communities and organisations funding and providing this support. The findings are relevant to the future funding and delivery of long-term care, and the transformation of local services. The report highlights how:
The purpose of this report is to offer practical help to develop more inclusive involvement for the future so that everyone who wants to be involved has equal opportunity to do so.
This report examines why some groups tend to be left out of schemes designed to promote greater user, or public/patient, involvement in public services. It explores who to ensure that all those who use long-term health and social care services could have a more equal chance of having a say and involvement in their lives and society.