
Delivering dignity: securing dignity in care for older people in hospitals and care homes. A report for consultation

This draft report, based on expert evidence, recommends fundamental changes to the culture, leadership, management, staff development, clinical practice and service delivery of care homes and NHS hospitals to secure the dignified care that is the right of all older people, with the belief that getting it right for older people will mean getting it right for everyone. The three organisations which have established the Commission want to play a major role in supporting hospitals and care homes to improve dignity in care, led by the staff who are working there day to day.

Dignity in care [SCIE guide 15]

The dignity in care section of the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) website lists eight main factors that promote dignity in care. Each of these Dignity Factors contributes to a person's sense of self respect, and they should all be present in care. The pages were published in June 2010 and will be reviewed in June 2013.